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Welcome to the European Shipwrights’ Network!

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  • #9197
    User Avatarevelyn

    Dear Shipwrights from all over Europe,

    Welcome to this new forum, created to provide a platform where you can share your passion for boatbuilding, preserve traditional knowledge and initiate innovative learning methods to inspire young professionals for your craft.

    Boatbuilding has a long and rich tradition in Europe, with craftsmanship and skills passed down from generation to generation. Today we face the challenge of keeping these traditions alive in a rapidly changing world. Our aim is to create a vibrant community by networking boatbuilders from across Europe where you can share experiences, tips, techniques and resources. By supporting and learning from each other, you can ensure that traditional knowledge does not get lost and that skills and know-how, often passed on orally, continue to be passed on to the next generation of shipwrights.

    As a professional in digital learning and teaching, I will be interested to learn from you how to develop an innovative learning system for you that is useful and will attract young professionals. By combining traditional craftsmanship with modern technology and pedagogical approaches, we can inspire young people’s enthusiasm for boatbuilding and ensure that the craft continues to flourish in the future.

    I am looking forward to stimulating contributions, new contacts and fruitful collaborations.

    AHOD 360 Project Member

    User Avataralhogar

    Thank you for your warm welcome and the noble initiative of creating this forum for European shipwrights. Your recognition of the rich traditions of boatbuilding and the critical need to preserve these practices resonates deeply. As related to the maritime industry, I am particularly thrilled by the prospect of blending our age-old craft with modern pedagogical approaches and technology. I believe that it could indeed inspire young professionals.

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