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Technology and Shipwright: enabler or killer?

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  • #9220
    User Avatarampcetem

    Traditionally, shipwrights were highly regarded and played a crucial role in the development of seafaring vessels throughout history. Their expertise was essential in crafting ships for transportation, exploration, trade, and warfare. While modern shipbuilding often incorporates advanced technologies and manufacturing processes, shipwrights continue to be skilled professionals, ensuring the quality and safety of ships, yachts, and boats in the maritime industry.

    What do you think about this? Could technology replace shipwright? Could cooperate together to have a better maritime industry?

    User Avataralhogar

    Thank you for sharing your perspective on the role of shipwrights and technology. IMHO, it may be less a question of technology replacing shipwrights, and more of it augmenting their capabilites of work. From my standpoint, the intricate skills, insights, and expertise of shipwrights are not so easily replicated by machines. Indeed, their comprehensive understanding of materials, design, and the behavior of vessels at sea is something that technology, in its current state, cannot entirely duplicate. As such, I perceive technology as more of an ally, rather than a replacement, in the shipbuilding process. It could serve as a potent tool in the hands of shipwrights, fostering greater efficiency, precision, and safety. From this perspective, I envision a future maritime industry where the human craftsmanship of shipwrights and the advanced capabilities of technology coexist, mutually enhancing the quality and resilience of seafaring vessels.

    User AvatarBert van Baar

    Technolgy could replace much work of a shipwright BUT: when all work is being done by robots, computers and other new technolgy: who can pay for the boats he was able to build? Everybody workless with no or little pay ….
    And this is true for many, many other workers ….

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