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How useful is the portal and its functionalities?

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  • #9342
    User Avatarevelyn

    Have you already had a look around the portal? How do you find it? Does it offer everything you need? What do you miss? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

    You are cordially invited to explore the portal with all its content and functions and then complete a short online questionnaire. The survey is anonymous and should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Your valuable feedback is crucial to further improve the usability of the portal and ensure that it fulfils its purpose: To successfully bring together boat building enthusiasts from all over Europe. Please take the time to test the portal and complete the questionnaire by 30 November 2023.

    The direct access to the online questionnaire is available on our dedicated research platform at:

    You need ideas for testing?

    Try this:
    1. Registration and Login: Remember whether it was easy for you to complete the registration process and how clear and understandable the members’ area presented itself to you.

    2. Setting options: Test the setting options of the members’ area. Are they clear? Do you miss setting options?

    3. Completing your profile: Complete your user profile in a way that also makes a good impression on new users who are about to register.

    4. Checking the map: Explore the map with the different stakeholders on boatbuilding in Europe. Are you comfortable with the map and the way it is presented? Take notes as you review these aspects.

    5. Checking the notice board: Create a new message and post it to the notice board. Remember that these should be real messages as other members may read them. Then edit your message and update the content. Give feedback on someone else’s message. Upload a document and check that it displays correctly.

    6. Checking the forums: Explore the three different forums in the members area. What types of forums are there and how are they organised? Are there clear categories or themes? Make personal notes about these. Then try making some meaningful posts or replying to an existing post (other users will see what you post). What do you notice?

    7. Sharing documents in groups: Try to upload images or documents that could be useful for the different groups. Please bear in mind that the documents should be relevant to the field of activity.

    8. Testing the interactions in the forum: Review the interaction with other members in the forum. Can you send private messages? Are there options for liking or commenting on posts? Test these features and take notes on their usability and usefulness.

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