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Sheets and halyards: how many metres to buy?


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  • #9383
    User AvatarJaqueline Rinaldi

    Not sure how many metres of line to buy for your sheets and halyards? Below is a mini-guide on the right length to buy. It is important to know some measurements of your boat:

    P= height from boom to mainsail halyard exit
    E= length from mast to mainsail halyard exit
    J= distance from the front of the mast to the mainsail halyard
    I= height from base of mast to genoa halyard exit
    A= length of forestay
    ISP= height from the base of the mast to the exit of the spi halyard
    LOA= length of boat

    At this point, simply follow the following tables to get an approximate indication of the length of the rigging.


    Hoist at the end of the boom 4:1

    Sheet length = E x 5.6

    Hoist at the end of the boom 6:1

    Sheet length = E x 8.4
    Hoist at middle of boom 4:1
    Sheet length = E x 4,3
    Hoist halfway up the boom 6:1
    Sheet length = E x 5,7
    Halyard length (in metres) = LOA (in feet)

    e.g. a boat 10 feet long will have a mainsail halyard 10 metres long


    Cruising roller
    Sheet length = LOA x 1.40
    Racing genoa 155%
    Sheet length = LOA x 1.20

    Racing genoa 135%

    Sheet length = LOA x 1.15

    Racing genoa 100%

    Sheet length = LOA x 1.05

    N.B. Increase these lengths by 20% if the line passes through a block aft.

    For the genoa halyard there are no “tricks”

    Halyard length = A + I + distance from mast to cockpit



    Sheet length = LOA x 2.00


    Boom length = LOA x 1.80

    Gennaker – gybe in

    Sheet length = LOA x 2.30

    Gennaker – gybe out

    Sheet length = LOA x 2.7

    For the spi halyard there are no ‘tricks’

    Halyard length = ISPx2 + distance from mast to cockpit


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