ClementML posted an update in the group Shipwrights-Students 9 months, 4 weeks ago
If anyone from the north of France is starting a ship restauration/refurbishment project, but doesn’t have nor the space, the tools, or the knowledge to get started, take a look at the maritime conservatory of Le Havre (Normandy).
There you can propose your project, rent a spot on their workshop, have access to the tools and to the help of professionals. Other initiatives like this exist around France and Europe, this is a great exemple, as well as a great way to learn.FR
Si quelqu’un dans le nord de la France veut se lancer dans un projet de restauration/rénovation de navire, mais n’a ni l’espace, ni les outils ou ni les connaissances pour se lancer, jetez un œil au conservatoire maritime du Havre (Normandie).
Vous pourrez y proposer votre projet, louer un emplacement dans leur atelier, avoir accès aux outils et à l’aide de professionnels.
D’autres initiatives similaires existent en France et en Europe, et c’est un bel exemple d’atelier collaboratif, ainsi qu’une parfaite manière d’apprendre.
Do you know Mike from the https://www.skolarmor.fr/?
He takes about 12 (or 18?) students per year to teach them the things you proposed in your post.
For what I learned from him, it is possible for enthousiasts to have his year-course payed by the government of France …. There must be an IF …? But people could just ask him.
Bert van Baar